It’s also an issue that needs a trained, qualified healthcare professional to diagnose and treat it. If a healthcare provider diagnoses you with hyperalgesia, they can offer suggestions and guidance on what you can do to manage this problem at home. An example of allodynia is feeling pain from clothing touching your skin. Under ordinary circumstances, clothes touching your skin shouldn’t cause pain. Allodynia causes your nervous system to misinterpret signals, mistaking touch signals for pain signals.
When should I worry about hyperesthesia or get it treated by a healthcare provider?
Neuropathic pain treatment depends on the underlying cause and what works for your unique symptoms. Your provider will create a personalized plan based on those factors. Opioid-induced hyperalgesia may be confused with opioid tolerance and withdrawal and must also be differentiated from other diagnoses to optimize patient management and promote disease regression. Hyperalgesia is a common clinical condition with evolving guidelines for testing and treatment.
What You Need to Know About Hyperesthesia
Even the slightest touch, bump or change in temperature can cause intense pain. You may have periods of pain lasting a few days or weeks, called flare-ups, where the pain gets worse. If you touch a boiling pot, your automatic response will likely be to withdraw your hand from the pot as soon as possible. Increased sensitivity usually starts when something causes irritation to a particular organ system.
Hyperalgesia and Sensitization
This can be confusing, but a closer look at how these medications work can help us understand the dramatic positive and negative effects that they have on the body. Diseases like diabetes, shingles and central nervous system disorders can cause post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms, treatment it. People with neuropathic pain might need a combination of different treatments, including medication, physical therapy, psychological counseling and surgery. However, if there is worsening or stagnation of function, surgery may be required.
It’s important to see your provider for an evaluation and to determine what’s causing the pain. Treating the underlying cause can prevent this symptom from getting worse and causing more pain. For example, a deep cut or an amputation can affect your nerve function. Hyperesthesia is a neurological condition that causes a person extreme sensitivity to touch, pain, pressure, and thermal sensations.
What Is Vertebrogenic Pain?
This chapter focuses on studies of hyperalgesia following cutaneous injury. Information regarding the stimulus is signaled to the central nervous system by highly specialized types of sensory fibers. Cutaneous nociceptive afferent fibers can be unmyelinated (C fiber) or myelinated (A fiber). Sensitization of nociceptors is one neurophysiological correlate of hyperalgesia and is characterized by a decrease in threshold, an increased response to suprathreshold stimuli and, occasionally, by spontaneous activity. The endogenous chemicals that may play a part in hyperalgesia can be broadly subclassified into neurogenic and non-neurogenic.
Sometimes, allodynia will go away on its own, especially if this symptom happens with migraines. Treatment can address the underlying cause, which can reduce how long this symptom will affect you. Certain types of treatment like radiation therapy or chemotherapy medications for cancer treatments can also lead to allodynia. An error in pain processing within your nervous system causes allodynia. This is known as central sensitization, which is a structural, functional or chemical change to your central nervous system (CNS).
- In addition, enhanced pain to woolen fabrics is observed in the zone of secondary hyperalgesia.
- However, it is frequently the result of inflammation of an internal organ.
- In people who have developed an opioid tolerance, increasing the dose of the opioid decreases pain.
It’s usually confined to 1 limb, but can sometimes spread to other parts of the body. By Anne Asher, CPTAnne Asher, ACE-certified personal trainer, health coach, and orthopedic exercise specialist, is a back and neck pain expert. If we maintain our health, our bodies have resilient and elegant ways to do this for us.
Although a burn injury leads to sensitization of nociceptors to heat stimuli, the mechanical threshold of nociceptors is not lowered, suggesting that this injury does not produce sensitization to mechanical stimuli. However, nociceptors are sensitized to mechanical stimuli in situations of inflammation. For example, injection into the receptive field of inflammatory substances leads to a sensitization of MIAs to mechanical stimuli.
Recently, a new technique to search for such receptors has been described [69]. More than half of the C-fiber primary afferents found with this technique did not respond to mechanical or heat Stimuli and, therefore, were not typical CMH nociceptors. Some of these receptors appeared to be specifically sensitive to chemical agents. There are other recent reports of C-fiber receptors that respond to chemical stimuli but not to mechanical or heat stimuli [24,70]. The characteristics of primary hyperalgesia following a burn to the hairy skin differs from that in glabrous skin.
Pain present in the postoperative period can promote the use of more opioid painkilling medication. Secondary hyperalgesia occurs when the pain feels as if it’s spreading to a non-injured site of the body. Hyperalgesia is a condition where a person has an increased sensitivity and extreme response to pain. What may not hurt most people can cause severe pain in a person with hyperalgesia. Research has shown that NMDA receptors are responsible for increasing your sensitivity to pain.